~The Art of Trick-or-Treating~ Finished!

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~The Art of Trick-or-Treating~ Finished!

Post by crazyflight »

This is my Halloween contest submission. It's also interactive. I don't think this is going to get a prize, but I've never done anything like it. It's sort of a cute little Halloween interactive. But you can... Die. So maybe it's not so cute.

This is a story in the second person. You go to the respective spoilers when prompted. Most of the time you'll have a choice for this, but sometimes you won't. Not all 100 spoilers have stuff in them. About half of them don't. 100 is just a good number, you know?

EDIT1: Completely remodeled and changed, haha
EDIT2: Starting to write (10/20 12:07p.m.)
EDIT3: Continued writing - first important interactive choice created.
EDIT4: Continued writing about Moss Snail choice (10/20 1:07p.m.)
EDIT5: Almost finished Moss Snail sections (10/20 3:25p.m.)
EDIT6: Finished Moss Snail section (10/20 5:10p.m.)
EDIT7: Starting Phoenix section (10/20 7:38p.m.)
EDIT8: More writing on Phoenix section - omitted speculative Liyan section (10/20 8:32p.m.)
EDIT9: Continued on the Phoenix section (10/20 9:54p.m.)
EDIT10: Almost finished the Phoenix section (10/20 11:00p.m.)
EDIT11: Finished the whole thing! (10/20 11:17p.m.)
The goal of this interactive game story thing is to get as many candies in the end as you can without... Dying. Or having to give up in any other way. Please post with feedback. Was it fun? Did you die, or complete it? How many candies did you get? Did you have to forfeit? Try to complete it without giving up in the middle? How many times did it take? Remember that there's only one way to complete the contest with each costume. The choices for the two costumes are very similar, but they won't be in the same places, of course.

TIP: Use the "find" method (ctrl/command f) to find the numbered spoilers instead of manually scrolling, if you find that easier.


The Art of Trick-or-Treating

Hallowe'en is one of the most brilliant spectacles of the Magi world. Young Magi use their skills to conjure up fantastic costumes, and they bring their creatures with them on the trick-or-treating candy frenzy. The village of Rhynvrel in Synara City is famed across the World for its Hallowe'en tradition of the ultimate trick-or-treating contest. The candy from Rhynvrel is rumored to be the best in the entire World, and it is so perfect that it is said to bring special magical powers to its eater. All of the houses in the village are home to families that participate in this contest. They hold the candy, and thus, the power.

You hurry to your dormitory in the Keep to see if you've been Invited to Rhynvrel. You fumble the key to the room, dropping it in your haste. Your heart is pounding and your hands are shaking. This is it. You finally get the key into the lock and open the door.

Althaea, your young Telvian Panther, greets you with a purr as she rubs herself against your leg. You reach down to stroke her behind the ears - her favorite spot. You drop your bag on the floor and start to look for the Invitation. The young cub trails, mewing encouragingly.

"Yes!" You let out a yell of triumph as you find an orange envelope sitting neatly on the kitchen counter. You run over to the counter to open it, but as soon as you start to rip the paper, you hear a bloodcurdling shriek come from the envelope. You yourself bloodcurdlingly shriek and drop the envelope. However, as soon as you realize that it was just a silly prank, you chuckle to yourself and continue to rip open the envelope, ignoring the gasps and chokes of pain that it makes.

Soon enough, the Invitation in all of its glory is revealed. You clear your throat and begin to read it aloud to yourself, when you are rudely interrupted by a cough that seems to come from the paper. You squint and then widen your eyes as the words start to read themselves in a deep, reverberant voice that echoes through the room.

"You have cordially been Invited to the village of Rhynvrel to participate in the 483rd annual trick-or-treating competition. You have one hour to gather yourself, and then you must report to Brewellyn Field to pick your costume. Your ride to the competition will be provided.
Good luck, and don't get killed.
Then, with an audible *poof* and some golden sparkles, the letter vanished.

Your mind dwells on the last words. Don't get killed? You gulp. Now you realize that this might be a lot more dangerous than you thought. Candy isn't all that's at stake here. There's also your life.

Will you participate in the trick-or-treating contest? If yes, go to spoiler 8.
If no, go to spoiler 50.

Curiosity killed the cat. You're dead. You really shouldn't open the spoilers unless you're prompted.

Total: 0 Candies


With five candies in your basket, you are feeling very confident in yourself. As you walk down the street, you realize that the number of costume-wearing Magi like yourself has decreased. You didn't really pay much attention to them before, but now you realize that there aren't many like you. The fact that you've made it this far is pretty astonishing to you.

Soon enough, you pass the cul-de-sac and see the next set of houses. Red, purple, blue... At the end of the street, you see the pair of green houses. The pale house is on the left, and the darker house is on the right. You try out the strategy that had already worked and waited for another Moss Snail to come up and try each door. And sure enough, while you concealed myself cleverly in the darkness, you saw three people. Two of them entered the pale green house, while one entered the darker green house. None of them came out, even after you waited for about two minutes after the third person had entered the pale house. You don't even understand why they entered - if they would have been given candy, they would only have to wait at the door. It just didn't make sense.

Of course they wouldn't make both houses deadly. That just wouldn't make sense. You think back to the fountain-haired woman and the boy that had entered her house and didn't come back. Had he died as well? Or maybe he was somehow spared? You shake your head. You can't dwell on things like that. You had to just go with your gut.

Where is your gut telling you to go?
If you want to go into the pale house, go to spoiler 97.
If you want to go into the darker house, go to spoiler 29.
If you want to forfeit where you are, go to spoiler 11.


The fountain-headed woman is very captivating to you, and you can't help but enter her house, even if the boy that you'd seen hadn't been released. You confidently believe that every house changed with each trick-or-treater and that she would give you candy so you could get closer to ending this thing.

You knock on the door, and no sooner than you touch the door, it opens gracefully, and the fountain-headed woman stands in front of you expectantly. She licks her lips as if a new treat had just been placed in front of her. "Trick-or-treat," you mumble meekly.

She ignores you and grabs your arm authoritatively, leading you into her abode and closing the door behind her. "I love Moss Snails," she proclaims, and then gestures to her whole house. It's certainly true - everything is green and moss is in random places throughout the house. Besides that, there are snails covering the walls and as you walk through a narrow hallway, you turn to your left and widen your eyes.

A huge, circular glass bowl with a diameter of at least eight meters covers all of the space in the living room, and it's filled with hundreds of the tiny snails. Plants grow from the bottom for their food, and you can't tear your gaze off of the gargantuan habitat. You hear the mysterious woman muttering something under her breath, and then you remember what you were here for. You turn around angrily and begin to demand some candy, but you barely see her smiling face before she grabs your head with a glowing hand and utters a syllable.

When you wake up, your basket is gone. Then, you try to get up, but you find that you can't. You look down, and find that you move your eyes in ways that shouldn't be possible. Your arms and legs... Gone. You look around with your antennae and then look up. An impossibly huge person is smiling down at you - and then you see the hair. No way. No. No. No.

And down comes the chocolate. You look at the brightly colored wrappers with disgust. Candy? Never. Plants are definitely the best to you. Oh well. You figure that you can keep it anyways as a memory of your human life. Already, however, you feel those memories slipping away...

Total: 4 Candies
You are a Moss Snail, and have removed your costume; therefore, you have been disqualified.



You aren't scared of a little piece of paper prophesying your demise. It did wish you luck, after all. Now all you need to do is... Actually, you don't really need to do anything. You decide that Althaea should stay in the Keep. She isn't even close to being fully grown, and you reason that it's probably too dangerous for her to go.

You grab your cloak from the hanger next to the door and pull it on. Then, you scoop up Althaea and head to the sitting services. You shell out a couple of gold pieces to keep her with a trusty sitter, and then you head out to Brewellyn Fields. It's not a long walk; the Fields are right behind the dormitories.

You see a crowd of students who have also accepted their Invitations heading in the same direction as you are. Being very socially inept, you move swiftly to try to beat them there. You avoid eye contact with others as you awkwardly speed-walk. Finally, you've made it, and you file into a random line. You peek ahead and realize that these are the lines for costumes.

You wait a couple of minutes, fantasizing to yourself about candies and chocolates, and finally, it's your turn. You are greeted by a small, grinning woman of about forty, with a mess of blue-green hair and bright azure eyes. "For you, we've got just two costume choices. We've got a Moss Snail and a Phoenix."

Which one will you choose?
If you choose the Moss Snail, go to spoiler 14.
If you choose the Phoenix, go to spoiler 81.


"Wake up, wake up!" The children are squealing and laughing and shaking people to wake them up. The grumbling Magi begin to wake up, and this includes you. You look down at yourself and realize that you're back in the clothes that you were wearing before you changed into your costume - that costume seems to have disappeared. You pull on your cloak, which was sitting on an end table next to the bed, and you pick up your basket. You smell aromatic scents of foodstuffs that urge you into another large room. This room has a massive table and platters heaped with breakfast foods of all kinds. You pile a plate high with waffles and syrup with fruit.

Usually, you have complete social awkwardness, and you can't talk to anyone without making yourself look a fool. However, with all of the overwhelming joy at finishing the contest, you decide to talk to some people. A couple of the people recognize you from the Keep, and you start conversations. You had a grand old time.

Then, the group, including you, was guided to the street where you had started. Everyone was awarded a trophy in honor of their success, and everyone got to keep their candy. You waved to the friends that you had made as you were given a ride home by the same creature that gave you a ride to Rhynvrel. You know that you'll never, ever forget this Hallowe'en.

The orange envelope that you had thrown out let out a shout of glee and vanished in a golden flash.

Total: 6 Candies

You decide not to risk your life any further. Five candies is more than enough for you. You munch away heartily at your first candy as you're led to your ride home.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 5 Candies



A lover of the eccentric, you gleefully proclaim that you want to be a Moss Snail for the contest. The blue-eyed woman grins even wider, if possible, and utters a few words. Then, she works her magic (literally). Your eyes are closed and you can't open them for a couple of seconds. Then, she prompts you to open them and shows you a full-body mirror.

Oh, boy. Your skin has been colored a bright green and you are encased in a green leotard. Bits of "moss" cling to your hair and various parts of your body, and two green antennae extend from your forehead. However, the most interesting part of the costume is the shell, which extends from your neck to your buttocks and seems to be connected to your tight green suit. It doesn't seem to weigh a thing, even though it looks very heavy. Well, it would be embarrassing if you were insecure about yourself. Fortunately, you don't give a Skioros about what anyone else thinks, and you strut away fabulously in your new costume. A masked guide leads you to a Gryphon silently, and you hop on and strap in your seatbelt. You hang on as the Gryphon takes off into the sky, and you watch the sunset.

Go to spoiler 90.



You decide to avoid the cul-de-sac, and you go left from where you started. The sign that said "DEAD END" was kind of creeping you out, even if it only meant that it was a dead end street. You look at the two green houses on the end of this block. Now you have to make a choice. However, this time, you had no idea what was hiding behind each door. Could this lead to the death that you had already heard about so many times?

To go to the paler house, go to spoiler 56.
To go to the darker house, go to spoiler 29.



It only takes a couple of strides to turn the corner, before you know it, the two red houses are right next to you in all their glory. You take a few seconds to admire the uniformity of all of these houses. They're all extremely similar in shape and size, and the only difference is their color. Your gaze goes to the blue houses next to the red ones, and you wonder what would happen if you showed up at that door. However, you don't try to do that - this competition is very strict, and you don't want to imagine the consequences of breaking such a simple rule.

You look from pale red house to dark red house to try to catch any clue that would distinguish the deadly one from the safe one. Alas, nothing is revealed about the contents of the house from the outside. You realize that this game is purely luck-based. However, the famed candy of Rhynvrel is so worth it.

To go to the paler house, go to spoiler 33.
To go to the darker house, go to spoiler 46.




You decide not to risk your life any further. Four candies is more than enough for you. You munch away heartily at your first candy as you're led to your ride home.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 4 Candies



You decide that the paler house will probably contain the candy that you want so badly. You have no idea, but your gut is telling you that this is the right house. There is no hesitance as you approach the paler house. You knock on the door confidently, and then it opens. The hallway is very thin, and although the woman that stands in the door is of average size, she takes up almost the whole space. "Trick-or-treat!" you declare. She laughs. "Yes, trick-or-treat indeed. Have a -" and then she was cut off. Her eyes fluttered, and she started to make choking sounds, as if she were dying. Then, she feel forward, and you hurriedly caught her. "Are you okay?" you asked concernedly. Then, your eyes widened as you saw an arrow sticking out of her back. You hastily glance down the hall and then scream.

A man in a horrible grinning mask holds a bow, and he is rearing back to fire another arrow when you scream. He releases, and your life flashes before your eyes. You don't even see it in motion, but you do see it fly directly over your head so close that if a Ziraafa sat upon your head, it would have been shot clean off. You gasp and look back at the man. You're still holding the woman that fell, but she begins to stir. And then she begins to chuckle. Soon enough, both of the people are laughing, and you try to do so with them, but all that comes out is a weak chortle.

"How pale this 'un's face is," the woman stated with an Etainian accent, still giggling from her fun. "A strong 'un, though. I 'ave ta say, I did a good job fallin', didn't I, Elra?" The man nodded wistfully. "That was great fun. Thanks, young phoenix. Have an extra candy," he offered. He walked over to a bureau in a room next to the hallway and grabbed a bag full of candy. From this bag, he dropped two sizable candies in your basket. You couldn't say anything, for the shock of being shot at was still fresh in your mind.

"You can go one block past the one to the right of here now," the man continued. "Good luck, and don't get killed!" The couple said the last phrase in unison, as if they'd rehearsed it. Then, they burst into a fit of giggling and closed the door. You stood there for a couple of minutes, breathing deeply and restoring your composure.

Two candies! Wow! You couldn't wait to feast on these pieces of sweet delight. However, you also felt an urge to complete this contest and get the whole thing over with. You were so, so close. You have two options now; you can either go take a right and trick-or-treat from the houses that are right there, or you can go one more block to see what will happen there. Or, of course you can forfeit.

To go directly to the right, go to spoiler 20.
To go a block past that one, go to spoiler 39.
To forfeit where you are, go to spoiler 24.


You take a deep breath and head to the door to the darker house. Your heart is pounding, and you don't know what's going to lie behind the door. Trepidation fills your whole body, and the darkness of the house seems to envelope you. It's too late to go back, though. You knock on the door and wait.

And wait.

And then the door swings open and before you can say "Trick-or-treat!" a hand covers your face. A spell is muttered and you fall limply to the floor, unconscious.

When you wake up, you find yourself in a lab room. A single man seems to be orchestrating the actions of dozens of scientists in the whole house. They seem to be performing tests on other costumed individuals. Screams filled the air, and you fought against your restraints. Every time you fought to get out, searing pain assaulted your senses. Scientists looked on at your suffering, taking notes.

Although it's unorthodox, you seem to have become a lab snail. You will stay here for the rest of your short life, because you will have tests performed on you until you die.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 0 Candies
You died.

You decide not to risk your life any further. Two candies is more than enough for you. You munch away heartily at your first candy as you're led to your ride home.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 2 Candies


The children wake you up early, and you find that you have already been changed into the clothes you were wearing the day before. You look at people sleeping next to you. The bed adjacent to your has another Phoenix-clad human, and you glance over at her basket. It is full to the brim. You glare enviously at it, and then at your own meager amount. You consider stealing one, but it wouldn't be worth the guilt and possible consequence.

You eat a small breakfast provided for you and then you are lead to the street where you started. You meet with a couple of other people who entered the dark-skinned woman's house prematurely as well. Hallowe'en has ended. At least you get to keep your candy.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 4 Candies

The paler house seems better to you, but you're still not entirely certain. However, you've made a decision, and this is the house. You walk over to the door and knock. From behind the door, you hear more than one voice. However, you didn't expect to see two little kids greeting you.

"Yay! Yay! Have a candy!" Then, they run back into a room and come back with a huge chocolate. It's carved into the shape of a perched Phonenix, and it's very detailed. You hardly want to eat it because someone obviously spent a lot of time on it, but it is placed in your basket anyways. The child that isn't putting the chocolate in your red basket peers in, as if watching to make sure it fares well in the basket. Then, they both run together into another room and begin to talk.

You don't want to eavesdrop, so you politely wait for them. However, you decide that it's safe enough to look around. You're not sure what to think when you walk into a gigantic room with lines and lines of cots. Some of these beds are filled by Phoenix-costumed individuals, and they seem to be deep in sleep. You hope that you're not about to end up like that. You haven't finished getting your candy yet!

You turn to run away when you see a tall, ebony-skinned woman blocking your way. "You've come here for candy, right? How about you have a nice, long sleep?" Her voice makes it sounds like that's exactly what you need, and for a second you almost climb into one of the cots. However, you snap out of it angrily, and tell her that you need to finish collecting candies.

She rolls her eyes. "You are a strong one. But you have nowhere to go. Come to momma," she says, and holds out her arms to you. You can't help yourself. She must have some magic, and you realize this, but before you can try to run away, she is already touching you. She mutters some words, and the last thing you see before falling asleep is a orange flash of fire from your costume.

Go to spoiler 32.


You walk across the dimly lit sidewalk and walk up the stairs into one of the green houses. You knock on the door, and as soon as it is flung open, you utter the ritualistic words. "Trick-or-treat!" The woman as the door smiles thinly and pulls out a candy for you. You resist the urge to pout that you wanted to choose it, but it has already been dropped into your basket. "Two blocks are now open to you," the woman declared coolly. "You will exit and go to your right until you encounter an intersection of four roads. You can turn left or keep going straight into the cul-de-sac." After you internalize this, you thank her politely and leave. You go to your right and, just as she said, there's an intersection. You look directly ahead of you and see a semicircle of houses with a sign that says "DEAD END". You look to your left and there's a street with a sidewalk that looks identical to the one you were just on.

If you would like to go into the cul-de-sac, go to spoiler 68.
If you would like to go to your left, go to spoiler 17.
If you would like to forfeit where you are, go to spoiler 30.


You had been lucky with the paler houses so far, and you decided that you should keep that streak going. It made sense, after all, that they would keep it that way. You walk up the door and, with a deep breath, you knock. You only have to wait two seconds before the door is opened with a creak. You stare face to face with a girl who's hardly older than you. She thrusts a candy at you. "Here," she says. Not a woman of many words, you presume. "No new blocks for you to go," she says brusquely. "Only the last set. Good luck. Don't get killed." With that, the door is slammed in your face, and you are left with one more candy than you had. Fantastic! Only one more set of houses to go.

To continue on to the last set of houses, go to spoiler 83.
To forfeit where you are, go to spoiler 11.


Although you were just psychologically attacked by a couple, they had given you two candies, and you desperately wanted to be finished so you could go home and go to sleep. However, more than that wish, you wanted to get this thing completed. Forfeiting wouldn't be worth it. Would it?

You walk past a section of houses, and your gaze lingers on the two red houses. However, those two are going to be saved for last. You have a gut feeling that you're meant to go past them, which is why this part was only opened after you already made a correct choice. At least, that was your philosophy.

There they are, right in front of you - the set of red houses that will be forever imprinted in your memory. That is, if you survive this competition. You know, deep inside, that you're not meant to die here. You think about Althaea, and how much she'd miss you if something happened to you. You set a steely stare on the houses. You were going to make this. But now, a choice.

To go to the paler house, go to spoiler 37.
To go to the darker house, go to spoiler 43.




You figure that since the last house you visited was paler, the next one you should go to should be darker. It made sense in your head. You hurry over to the door, ready to get this over with. You knock twice, two raps on the door with your orange knuckles. Then, the door is opened, and you are assaulted with a scorching heat. You look at the floor in front of you, inside the house, and you see fire. Fire?

You yell and try to run away, but you can't. Panicked, you look across the hall, and sure enough, a man is holding his hand out, trapping your legs with a binding spell. He then murmurs some incantations, and you are forced to walk forward. You expect your feet to start burning, but instead, intense ecstasy spreads throughout your body, and you gasp with incomprehensible pleasure. Why? You're so confused, but the senses of joy and pure goodness that assault your senses takes over all thought.

Soon enough, this intensity knocks you out.

When you wake up, you aren't in the house. You're on the roof - how you got there, you don't know. You fumble with your arms to try to grab your candy basket, but it isn't there. Then, what you're moving actually catches your eye. Wings!?

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 4 Candies
You are a Moss Snail, and have removed your costume; therefore, you have been disqualified.



You have no idea why, but a huge amount of self-confidence spreads through you as you look at the darker house. The deep red is your favorite color, and you have a great feeling about this house. You skip over to the door and quickly knock it one, two, three times. The door swings open, but no one is there. "Trick-or-treat!" you exclaim, a little befuddled, but still confident. Then, you hear breathing behind you, and you begin to turn, but you are pushed down into the house. A magic syllable is uttered, and the last thing you see is the thick spikes sticking out of the wall before you make contact. Well, that was quick.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 0 Candies
You died.



You decide to head left from the cul-de-sac. The man from whom you just got not one, but two delicious candies seemed very trustworthy, and you wanted to take the new route that he had suggested as opposed to the other option suggested by the first house. You inferred that those houses would probably be more dangerous.

The houses on this street all seemed oddly darker than those on the other streets. You glanced upward and saw that the already-darkening sky was getting to be a deep shade of indigo. Maybe that was it - the sky was a lot darker than it was at the cul-de-sac. You feel the need to hurry it up. Costumed individuals of all sorts of creatures are heading to their houses with an added urgency.

You begin to approach your group of two green houses when you notice a similarly suited Moss Snail ahead of you. You ingeniously decide to wait to see which house he chooses before going inside. Aren't you smart? Anyways, you watch him enter the paler green house and knock on the door. Then, he is led inside by a beautiful woman with the strangest hair you've ever seen. The red locks are shaped into a straight ponytail the vertically extends from the top of her head for about a foot, and then the long hair cascades down in all directions like a fountain. She sees you watching her, and then winks at you and follows the snail-clad boy into the door. It closes gently behind her, and you wait a bit to see what will happen. A few minutes pass, and the boy does not exit. You have no idea what happened.

Could the boy have been killed? Even if he was, maybe the whole thing was oriented towards reverse psychology and the woman wouldn't kill you if you entered. Maybe it depended on the person or something, and each household had different options that they could do. You thought back to the man who had stabbed you with the fake knife. Maybe the knife was real for another person.

Either way, you have to make a choice.

To enter to pale house with the fountain-headed woman, go to spoiler 5.
To enter the darker house, go to spoiler 58.

You decide to abstain from the competition. Death isn't worth some stupid candy.
You sit in your chair and stroke Althaea behind the ears. She purrs lovingly. After a few minutes, you get up and start on your work, as if it was any other day.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 0 Candies






The paler house seems safer to you, and you prepare to enter with confidence. You walk over to the door and knock. You hear muffled footsteps from behind the door, and giggles. Your heart melts as the door opens and you see two small kids greeting you.

"Yay! Yay! Have a candy!" Then, they retreat into a room and come back with a large chocolate. It's carved into the shape of a Moss Snail, and it's very intricately designed. You hardly want to eat it because it's so beautiful, but they plop it into your basket anyways. You can't help but notice them peer into your basket and hurry away, giggling to themselves.

Confused, you try to hear their voices in the other room, but you can't make out any words. You go to explore the house. It seems innocent enough. However, you confusedly enter a large room with lines of beds. Almost none of them are filled, although a couple of them are. The people occupying the beds seem to be asleep, and they are breathing very deeply. You look confusedly around, and then movement catches your eye.

You turn and see a beautiful, dark-skinned woman. She moves towards you with the grace of a Crystalwing and you can't help but stay put. "Why don't you get some sleep?" She gestures to the beds. "Please, come sleep with us."

You slowly back away. "No, sorry, I'm not done collecting my candies. I need to finish the competition..." She moves closer to you as you try to get farther away. "It's okay. Just come to bed. You'll be fine..."

You try to make a run for it. The door is so close... So close... A single syllable is uttered and you instantly fall to the floor. You fight to keep your eyes open, but then a voice resounds throughout your head. "Don't fight it..." And you don't. You drift off to sleep.

Go to spoiler 72.


The disappearing boy has thoroughly frightened you, and you decide against paying a visit to the woman with the crazy hairstyle. You reason that the house is dangerous. They wouldn't put two dangerous houses next to each other, would they? That would be insane.

It's been a long night, and you walk to the door with the ease that it will soon be over. You knock at the door and wait for a response. A couple of seconds pass, and you fear that the family that lies within has given up on the contest, and that you would have to go to the pale house after all. However, as soon as you begin to give up hope, the door slowly opens.

"Trick-or-treat!" you exclaim excitedly, glad that this door opened for you. You are greeted by an old man who looks as if he couldn't even harm a real Moss Snail. He leans on a wooden staff that looks very powerful, and the blue orb that is attached to the top, where his hand is, looks suspiciously magical. However, the old man has a kind smile, and you are confident that he is nice.

In his other hand, the man has a bag of candy. He silently hands over a large candy, still smiling. Then, he begins to speak. "Good choice. This is your third, correct?" You nod. "Excellent job. You show promise. However, you have one more choice. Continue from whence you came, and pass the street that connects the cul-de-sac with the place you started. That block will have your final choice. Of course, you can choose to forfeit now, which may be wise, but if you want the recognition of having completed the contest, you should finish this thing." He bows his head, and then retreats into his home. Before closing the door, he ends his speech by saying the phrase that you've heard too much: "Good luck, and don't get killed."

You suddenly realize how close you are to finishing. One more block? That means one more choice. You're scared, but you believe in your heart that you can make it.

Go to spoiler 3.




Before long, the Hippogryph drops down onto a very specific street, and you unfasten yourself and hop off. The brown creature flies off, and you take in your surroundings. Similarly shaped houses line the street, each one with a different color. You turn abruptly at the sound of long, striding steps. You look up at a very tall man dressed in orange and black. He clears his throat and begins a practiced speech.

"Welcome to the 483rd annual trick-or-treating contest right here in Rhynvrel! Over the years, we've... Yadda yadda... Okay, you didn't care about the history anyways, right?" You shook your head. History? Who cares. "Okay, good. Well, the rules are as follows. Once you've started, you can forfeit at any time. The amount of candy you have obtained at the time of forfeit will be your total. You may only go to one house per block, and there are four blocks for you to choose from in this competition. There are two houses for phoenixes on each block, specified by their red shades." He pauses to gesture towards to adjacent houses, which are both indeed different crimson hues - one of them is paler than the other. He then clears his throat and continues. "You are not permitted to remove your costume at any time - not that you'd want to, because you'd be butt naked. Eating your candy will be considered a forfeit. You will be given a basket with one candy in it when I am finished speaking. Also, these first two houses are exactly the same - they each contain a family that will give you one candy. However, after that, the decisions are yours." He hands you a small red basket, and there is indeed a single candy inside. "Good luck, and don't get killed!"

You shiver at the parting statement, although the man doesn't notice; he has already retreated to greet another person who is dressed in an intricately designed Vosmari costume. You peer inside the basket again. The candy is larger than you thought - almost as big as your fist - and you read that it is peanut brittle. Yum! You resist the urge to eat it right then and there.

You recall what the big man said about the first two houses being very similar, so there's really no choice - of course, there's no point in forfeiting now, since you're definitely getting a candy now. Lights turn on, lighting up the sidewalks, as the sky gets darker and darker.

Go to spoiler 99.






You decide to enter the cul-de-sac. It seems safe to you, and as you enter, you feel a sense of security. The houses of various colors seem to encase you, and you feel a sense of warmth just from being there. You approach the couple of green houses with confidence. Like on the initial block, one of the houses is pale green and the other is darker. You aren't sure which was you want to enter. You know that you can only enter one, and they seem exactly the same. Nothing from the outside reveals anything about the inside.

If you want to enter the pale green house, go to spoiler 88.
If you want to enter the darker green house, go to spoiler 73.


Now that you've got the cul-de-sac out of the way, you decide to take a right onto the road that was suggested by the first woman as well as the guy with the messed up sense of humor. You figure that it is better to get that out of the way before tackling the set of houses up the street. Also, there was bound to be more candy here if they'd introduced it so early.

You arrive at a familiar pair of houses. Choices, choices.

To go to the paler house, go to spoiler 56.
To go to the darker house, go to spoiler 29.


You wake up in a comfortable bed with blankets, and you don't want to get out of it. It feels like it's early in the morning, and you don't want to go to class today. But confusion hits you when you hear little kids giggling softly and prodding you. You sit up and wipe your eyes groggily. "Shhhh!" the little kids admonish you, even though you don't make a sound.

The kids lead you, tiptoeing, into the kitchen where you are treated to a basic meal of eggs and toast. You were able to grab your basket of candies and your cloak before being escorted out the door. You soon find that there are many others that experienced similar fates to you as you are guided into the street where you started. You meet many other people who also hadn't finished the contest when they were forced to sleep.

Well, at least you weren't killed.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

If you came from the beginning: Total: 2 Candies
If you came from the cul-de-sac: Total: 4 Candies

You decide to enter the darker green house. You're not exactly sure why, but it looks like it's safer. Your decision made, you tentatively knock at the door. Your heart is pounding in your chest, but as the door swings open, you manage to clearly say "Trick-or-treat!"

Then, you see the person behind the door. You scream, but it's too late. The knife is already heading for your chest, about to cut you off.

And then it hits you, and your life flashes before your eyes.

But... Wait, why did it bend?

The person behind the mask has a muffled chortle, but as he removes the freaky, emotionless white face, the laugh becomes a booming guffaw. "I got you, didn't I? Ohohoho, I've never seen a snail more scared before." Then, he glances at you, and he sees your blank gaze and your green skin turning paler than the house next door. "Aww, I'm sorry," he says to you. "Here, I'll make up for my fun with this." He grabs two large candies from his bag and plops them into your basket. "Now you can turn left from here, or you can turn right, which you were already able to do. Have fun and be careful!"

Then, the door gently closes and you're left clutching your chest where the fake knife made contact. That was definitely the scariest thing that had ever happened to you. You take a few breaths to calm down, and then you head away from the cul-de-sac. Two candies from one house! You did great, even if you almost died! And he had told you to be careful instead of warning you away from death. After the initial shock, you are looking more positive.

If you want to turn left from the cul-de-sac, go to spoiler 49.
If you want to turn right from the cul-de-sac, go to spoiler 70.
If you want to forfeit where you are, go to spoiler 24.




Well, you do like the deep shade of scarlet more than the paler shade. You think that the other house is borderline pink, and you don't really like pink very much. At least, that's what you tell yourself to comfort yourself as you approach the darker house. You can't stop yourself from knocking on the door. You clear your throat and prepare to say the traditional words. The door opens just a crack, and you tilt your head, confused. "Trick-or-treat," you say, as if asking a question.

Suddenly, a the door reaches out and a pale white hand reaches out and grabs your neck. You try to yell but all that comes out is a pathetic gasping and choking. The hand is freezing to the touch, and you find yourself being pulled into the house. You are pushed to the wood floor, which is unusually cool, and then the man that grabbed you takes a coat from a hanger that is next to the door and hastily leaves you, locking the door behind him. Why would he do that?

You shiver in the house, mostly from the intensely cold temperatures that you experience. The fake fire that the costume designer created for you does nothing to heat you, and the thin orange suit lets out heat as if you aren't wearing anything. You consider screaming, but that wouldn't do anything. You bang on the door as hard as you can for about a minute, running into it and trying your hardest to get it open. However, it won't even budge, and you let yourself fall to the floor in discouragement.

You decide that after a moment of wallowing in self-pity, you should check the place out to see if there are any exits. However, as soon as you turn around, you realize that death will be the only escape possible. You can't help but make eye contact with it. And before you know it, the Ice Gryphon has let out a terrible shriek and it dashes at you. You scream, and it is abruptly cut off with a choke as the Gryphon's beak makes contact with your neck. You are so dead.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 0 Candies
You are dead.




You decide to choose the Phoenix. Who wouldn't? You wonder how they can possibly represent all of the fiery grace of a Phoenix into one costume, and if they could, it would be the best costume ever. So much better than a dorky Moss Snail.

You are forced to close your eyes while the grinning cerulean lady does her thing. A couple of seconds later, she urges you to open them, and she brings over a full-body mirror for you to check yourself out in. You look absolutely stunning. You feel a tight orange suit hugging your skin, which has been tinged with a dark orange hue, and a curved beak protrudes from your face where your nose used to be. Your hair has become a flowing mane of reds and oranges, and two majestic wings are attached to your suit. The wings seem to be on fire although no warmth emanates from them, and bursts of fake fire cover most of the orange suit.

Confident in your fantastic costume, you thank the blue-haired woman before you are led away by a silent guide to your ride to Rhynvrel. A Hippogryph kneels in front of you, and your wordless guide helps you onto its back. You strap in the seatbelt and the creatures takes off. You look directly to your west and see the pink and orange sky that results from the sunset. The sky is going to get dark soon.

Go to spoiler 62.


As you walk to the last section of houses, lots of conflicting emotions are running through your head. You decided against forfeiting because you are so close to victory, you can almost taste it. You look at the last two red houses, and for some reason, they seem different from the rest. Perhaps it's the new possibility of winning it all that leads to the two houses seeming to shine with a bright flame.

Which one will you choose?
To go to the pale house, go to spoiler 92.
To go to the darker house, go to spoiler 46.





You decide to go to the pale green house. The darker house seems... Well, darker, and that's unnerving. You stride up to the door of the pale green house and form the words on your mouth before you've even knocked. "Trick-or-treAAAAHHHHHH!" You are cut off because as soon as you touch the door, it is violently ripped off of its hinges and sucked into the house. Your screams are unheard, and they are carried away by the severe wind that sweeps you off of your feet and into the house, following the door. You are carried up a flight of stairs and tossed unceremoniously to the floor in a tiny room that's only big enough to fit you and your shell. There are no windows, and you can't even see your hands in front of you when the door slams shut. You scream and cry and bang on the door, but to no avail. You cry and begin to eat your candy, hoping it will comfort you. You know that this is against the rules, but you couldn't care less.

Minutes pass, and you're still alone. No one can hear you, and you've given up on everything. That's when the ceiling opens and the winds flows into the room from the top. You're forced to the ground, and you can't even get up. Then, the hailstones start to fall. Icy pellets barrage you, piercing the thin suit and causing you to bleed. This hail is accompanied by torrential rain, and you try to hide in your shell avoid this. For the most part, this succeeds, as the shell is too strong to fall apart to the power of the sleet. However, as the water and ice fills the room, there's nowhere for you to go. You can't stay alive on candy alone.

Hours pass, and you begin to feel lightheaded. Of course. You can't breathe in the shell. You open it to let in some air, but you find that doing so wasn't smart at all. Water rushes into the opening and you almost choke. You try to stand up but find that you can't under the pressure of the hailstones. Finally, you can't take it anymore. You let in all the water and drown yourself. And then, you suddenly realize something. You had just gone into "DEAD END." How foolish of you to not see that coming.

A spooky cackle can be faintly heard from the trash can where you threw out the orange envelope.

Total: 0 Candies.
You died.


It seems to have only been minutes before the Gryphon drops you off on a very specific street, and you unfasten yourself and hop off. The Gryphon flies off, and you look around. Plain houses line the street, each one with a very specific color, although the designs are all the same. The sound of feet against the concrete leads you to turn, and your sight is taken up by a huge man dressed in all orange and black. He clears his throat and begins to recite a clearly memorized speech.

"Welcome to the 483rd annual trick-or-treating contest right here in Rhynvrel! Over the years, we've... Yadda yadda... Okay, you didn't care about the history anyways, right?" You were actually quite interested in the history of the competition, but you shook your head meekly anyways. "Okay, good. Well, the rules are as follows. Once you've started, you can forfeit at any time. The amount of candy you have obtained at the time of forfeit will be your total. You may only go to one house per block, and there are four blocks for you to choose from in this competition. There are two houses for moss snails on each block, specified by their green shades." He pauses to gesture towards to adjacent houses, which are both indeed green - one of them is paler than the other. He then clears his throat and continues. "You are not permitted to remove your costume at any time. You will be given a basket with one candy in it when I am finished speaking. Also, these first two houses are exactly the same - they each contain a family that will give you one candy. However, after that, the decisions are yours." He hands you a small green basket, and there is indeed a single candy inside. "Good luck, and don't get killed!"

You subconsciously shudder at those last words, although he has already walked away to greet another person who is dressed in a shadily cool Mist Stalker costume. You peer inside the basket again. The candy is gigantic - almost as big as your fist - and appears to be of the chocolate caramel variety. Mmmm. You can't wait to finish this contest so you can eat it.

You remember what the man said about the first two houses being exactly the same, so there's really no choice - of course you don't want to forfeit, since it's guaranteed that you'll be one candy ahead. The sky begins to darken, and the sides of the sidewalks are automatically illuminated.

Go to spoiler 35.


A surge of gut instinct led you to the paler house. You've been lucky with the pale houses all night, and although you dislike the color in comparison to the rich scarlet of the darker house, you know that this is right. You head on over to the door and knock. You are rather surprised when you see two bouncing little kids smiling to greet you.

"Yay! Yay! Have a candy!" They rush away, laughing, and then one of them returns with a large chocolate, the other one trailing. The candy had been carved into the shape of a Phoenix, and it's very intricate. You don't want to consume it because someone clearly spent a lot of energy on it, but you don't want to take it out once it was plopped in. The children notice that the chocolate barely fits, and have a great time moving things around to make it work. Then, they run off.

Immediately, you feel a sense of security, and you begin to walk around. You walk into a room lined with small beds, and you fight the urge to fall asleep - however, you notice that many people already have! You hope that you can have a chance to nap as well.

Movement in your peripheral vision leads to you to turn your head, and you see a gorgeous dark-skinned woman with an aura that commands attention. She elegantly glides towards you and puts her hand on your shoulder. "Congratulations," she murmurs with a rich voice. "You have all of the candy, and now you've won this contest. Please, choose a bed," she offered, sweeping her arm in a semicircle, indicating all of the open beds. You gladly take her up on that offer and climb into bed in between two other Phoenix-clad people.

The woman rests her hands on your forehead as you close your eyes. "Sweet dreams," you hear her mumble, along with some inaudible syllables that you know make up a spell. You know that you are vulnerable, but all you want to do is sleep. And sure enough, the spell she casts helps you to let yourself be taken over.

Go to spoiler 10.


You run across the street hurriedly even though cars aren't allowed in Rhynvrel tonight, and the street looks as if you hadn't even moved. They were that similar - however, the duo of red houses were in a different spot than on the street you had just been on. Your defense spells teacher would have been very proud of your observation skills.

You stand in front of the two houses and suddenly, you realize that you could die right here. Right now. There's no way you're turning back, but... This is really the first life-or-death choice you've ever had to make. It's pretty scary for you. No, it's extremely scary. But you'll be fine. You know that in your heart, you will make it.

Now, there stand the two houses, and you have to make a decision. Pale or dark?

To go to the paler house, go to spoiler 27.
To go to the darker house, go to spoiler 77.



Your instincts are telling you to follow the two Moss Snail-people that you had seen into the pale house. Lots of people won this contest every year, even if the death part of it was covered up to the public. Those people won by luck, and for some reason, you thought that this was it.

You considered going back and forfeiting, but you shook yourself out of it. If you were to finish it, you had to finish it and get the whole thing done. You thought of all the glory that you'd get back at the Keep. It was enough to motivate you to knock on the door before you even knew what you were doing.

The door opened and you found yourself having to look down at the people that were on the other side of it. They were just two little kids! "Yay! Yay! Have a candy!" they exclaim gleefully, after you enter and they close the door. They ran into another room and one of the children came back with a large chocolate. It was intricately carved into the shape of a Moss Snail, and it was very beautiful. You didn't even want to eat it because it was so nice, but they dropped it into your basket anyways. "Oof," you gasped at the sudden added weight. The kids laughed and then retreated into another room.

You decide to follow them, and you found yourself in a room with dozens of little beds that looked like those that you would find in a hospital. Most of the beds were not occupied, although there were about twenty other similarly-dressed Moss Snail-people that were breathing deeply in sleep.

"What's going on here?" you stammer. Then, out of a doorway on the other side of the room emerges a very tall woman with very dark skin and a large head of hair. She smiled widely and gracefully seemed to glide across the floor to greet you. A Telvian Panther followed her, and it looked very similar to Althaea, but much larger. "This is your fourth house, I presume," she states with a velvety voice. You only nod.

"That means that you've won. Congratulations. Come over to an empty bed and I'll let you sleep." She made a flowing gesticulation to indicate the rest of the beds. Your heart soars as you realize that this whole trip is finished. Suddenly, you feel very tired. You haven't been walking that much, but you've been through a lot. You're thankful that it's all over.

You settle down in a bed next to a girl with the same costume as you. You peer over at her basket and see that it is filled to the brim, just like yours. Satisfied, you lie down and tuck yourself in. The woman comes to you when you're in bed and touches your forehead, murmuring a spell. You begin to feel extremely drowsy, and you don't fight it. You close your eyes and let yourself fall asleep.

Go to spoiler 10.


Since it doesn't really make a difference as to which house you enter, you go inside the darker red house. You knock on the door, and almost immediately, the door is violently shaken open to reveal an enormously fat man and his equally rotund wife taking up almost the whole hallway behind the door. "Um... trick-or-treat," you mumble, shocked that anyone could actually grow to such proportions. Maybe they ate all of the candy, and you wouldn't get any. Fortunately, this was not the case.

"Wow, your costume is just marvelous!" the woman exclaims, putting her hand to her chest in amazement. I can't help but smile. The man drops a large candy into my basket and begins to tell me about what to do. "You gotta leave here and then you take a left, and you'll see a street, right? You can go straight into the next block or you can turn another left into the next block," he explains. "Good luck," he finishes, "and have fun!" He almost closes the door when his wife bursts out with "Don't get killed, too!" Then, they both start to laugh uncontrollably, leaving you outside feeling a bit apprehensive.

No matter. You still have more candy to collect. You head over to the intersection and look straight, then to your left. The streets look almost exactly the same, although you can't see very far with the faint sidewalk lights as well as the moonlight.

If you want to go straight, go to spoiler 94.
If you want to take a left, go to spoiler 20.
If you want to forfeit where you are, go to spoiler 30.

Curiosity killed the cat. You're dead. You really shouldn't open the spoilers unless you're prompted.

Total: 0 Candies
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
happy pride!
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Re: ~The Art of Trick-or-Treating~ Finished!

Post by altitudeair »

This was quite fun :D I'm surprised no one has commented. Great job, Crazyflight.

EDIT: Oh, and I died a grand total of 9 times. Like I would have nine lives in real life...how I envy cats. Kitties! *mood swing, squeals excitedly*
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Re: ~The Art of Trick-or-Treating~ Finished!

Post by crazyflight »

altitudeair wrote:This was quite fun :D I'm surprised no one has commented. Great job, Crazyflight.

EDIT: Oh, and I died a grand total of 9 times. Like I would have nine lives in real life...how I envy cats. Kitties! *mood swing, squeals excitedly*
Oh, thank you!
I did make it pretty hard... But I do hope it was fun.
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
happy pride!

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